What is Mesothelioma ?

What is Mesothelioma ?

Mesothelioma is a word from mesothelium and oma (cancer). Mesothelioma is cancer of the mesothelium. Mesothelium is the protective lining of the lungs, heart, chest and abdominal cavity. This lining protects our organs from frictioned and damaged to the organs as they move or rub against each other. This tumor develops within this protective lining is called Mesothelioma.

What is Mesothelioma
Within nine from ten cases mesothelioma is triggered by contact with asbestos fiber. Other small cases may be because it can be difficult to trace the exposure because of the huge time lapse before the disease develops. Construction employees, building engineers, auto mechanics and railroad employees are some professions at a bad risk of arriving connection with asbestos and they are clearly at greater risk than the others.

Types of mesothelioma are Benign Mesothelioma, Pericardial Mesothelioma, Peritoneal Mesothelioma, Pleural Mesothelioma and Testicular Mesothelioma. And three main types of cancer cells are present in mesothelioma patients are Epithelioid mesothelioma, Sarcomatoid mesothelioma and Mixed or Biphasic mesothelioma. 

The majority of all mesothelioma cases begin in the chest cavity (lungs area). This is what’s called pleural mesothelioma cancer. The second most common cases begin in the abdomen. This is known as peritoneal mesothelioma cancer. A few signs and symptoms of mesothelioma cancer include chest pain, wheezing, dyspnea, coughing , fever, shortness of breath, night sweats, cough that’s repetitive and also the abdomen. Sometimes there’s also severe discomfort within the areas round the abdomen and also the chest.

Two of the most important factors in increasing the life expectancy of mesothelioma patient are early detection and aggressive treatmen. So If you worked with asbestos, you need to speak to your physician and let them to try give the best treatment that they can do for you ( if you have this cancer).

So do not you wait until you have the symptoms of mesothelioma are losing the opportunity to treat the disease at an early stage and extending mesothelioma life expectancy.
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